Saving Cents Together

You Have 2 Coins That Equal 30 Cents

you have 2 coins that equal 30 cents

Riddles were all the rage on social media at the start of the epidemic. specially Tiktok

TikTok is a social media app where users can create and share short videos with each other. It’s quickly become one of the most popular apps in the world, and it’s especially popular with young people.

Despite its popularity, TikTok has come under fire recently for a number of reasons. Some people argue that the app is addictive and can be harmful to young people’s mental health. Others say that it’s a breeding ground for bullying and that it’s dangerous to share personal information on the app.

However, It is also informative, creative and can connect people from all over the world. I think that the positives of TikTok far outweigh the negatives, and I believe that it’s a great way for people to connect and express themselves.

There are various riddle-based tiktoks that are going viral. These riddles are great to watch if you are looking for a good laugh and information.

One of such riddle include “you have 2 coins that equal 30 cents

People are making funny videos asking this question and giving different responses.

The answer to the riddle is that you have a nickel and a dime. The nickel is worth 5 cents and the dime is worth 10 cents, so together they add up to 30 cents. as suggested by some in these videos, the right answer is at the end of this article.


You have 2 coins that equal 30 cents

This riddle  (you have 2 coins that equal 30 cents) has been around for a while, but it’s still just as popular as ever. People are always coming up with new ways to solve it, and the videos are always hilarious. If you’re looking for a good laugh, be sure to check out some TikTok riddles!

People in response are asking it on different question-based sites that they are unable to figure out “What two coins equal 30 cent and one of the two coins is not a nickle?” or you have 2 coins that equal 30 cents

There are a lot of potential answers people are giving on social media, some of which have already been mentioned:

1. There are two coins in this order: one is nickel, the other isn’t; it’s a quarter instead.

2. The first is a quarter, and the second is a nickel… it’s a silver half-dime.

3. A dime and a twenty-cent coin are both coins worth one cent.

Yes, the half-dime and twenty-cent piece are genuine US coins that were genuinely produced and circulated. More significantly, despite not being in circulation for more than a century, these coins are still legal money!

The answer to most riddles is in the wording, as with this riddle.

In this instance, most people believe that neither coin can be a nickel. The riddle, on the other hand, states that one of them isn’t a nickel, thus the other coin can be.

When you know the answer, it all seems so simple.

and it’s A nickel and a quarter.

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